Interior Invests $520 Million in Drought Resiliency Projects

The projects seek to improve water treatment, storage, and hydropower.

The Department of the Interior recently distributed $520 million to 57 drought resiliency projects throughout the Western United States. The funding was allocated under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. More than $10 million of those funds will be used to improve the Rio Grande channel. Other projects include improving water storage safety, better water treatment, and updates to hydropower generation.

Reclamation Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton said, “Reclamation’s commitment to ensuring our infrastructure is ready to deliver water, produce hydropower, and continue providing recreation is evident in these project selections.”

Acting Deputy Secretary of the Interior Laura Daniel-Davis said, “These investments in our aging water infrastructure will conserve community water supplies and revitalize water delivery systems building reliability and sustainability for generations to come.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Acting Deputy Secretary Daniel-Davis to be led by the Lord as she fills her role in the Interior Department.
  • For Interior officials as they seek to support drought resilience and water treatment improvements.
  • For Commissioner Touton to receive God’s guidance as she heads the Bureau of Reclamation.

Sources: Department of the Interior


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